Sex and Intimacy

Sex and Intimacy

Do you think Sex and Intimacy are different from each other? If yes, then you are right.

Let’s talk about the difference between sex and intimacy. Though they are co-dependent on each other, yet they differ from each other.

Intimacy is not another name for trying different Kamasutra positions, rather it’s deeper emotion than that. On the contrary, sex is just a physical act that takes place between two people which doesn’t necessarily involve love.

Intimacy is when two people are truly in love with each other who share a different kind of attraction and emotion in their relationship. It is something that a person can be his/her true self in front of that one person. Intimacy is an emotional state that can generally be only with the person you are genuinely in love with. When two people share the same emotion and bond, the meaning of sex changes from a simple physical act to making love rather than just having emotionless sex.


However, like it is mentioned earlier sex is just a physical act that takes place between two people. It doesn’t need mutual consent between both parties. Sometimes, it can be forceful. Two strangers can have sex on their first date and then they part ways, people have casual sex for different reasons but that does not involve any kind of love, emotion, or sentiment. A true example of sex is a one-night stand. However, people do argue that a one-night stand can be intimate as well as a person is willingly offering his/herself to the other person.

People can be intimate with each other without having sexual intercourse. Due to various reasons, and health problems sex is needed to be prevented but that does not eradicate the emotion, love, and affection which are integral parts of the relationship. Sex is also one of the important aspects of the relationship because that’s how people give and receive love, but it is not the only way to build intimacy.

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